Sunday, April 5, 2020



 today I'm going to share a few the 4 best ways to make money online in 2020 and beyond so if you're someone that's reading this right now and you're brand new you're looking to get started making money online but you're not quite sure where to start or what are the best opportunities for you to pursue in 2020 and beyond then this article is gonna help you with that or if you've already got an online business you're already making money online great this article is gonna help you discover what are the best trends and opportunities that can really allow you to grow your business even further by putting more time attention and focus into that so let me give you an idea right now of where the Internet is and where it's going the potential the growth and the opportunity right now today there's about 4.3 billion people that have access to the Internet that's a lot of people but over the next ten years that number is projected to increase to 7.5 billion people so essentially over the next decade there's an additional 3 billion people they're going to have access to the internet that never did before and that means that that is such an incredible opportunity for someone like yourself and myself to take advantage of the internet because it doesn't matter what you're doing online if you're selling on Amazon or Shopify or your Facebook page or Instagram you've got a YouTube channel a podcast no matter what it is you're gonna benefit from all this potential growth automatically just by more and more consumers getting access to the internet buying things online with all the technological advances that are coming whether
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   it's 5g technology which is already here but it's becoming more mainstream it's making a lot it a lot easier and faster for people to use and get access to the Internet to entrepreneurs like Elon Musk who are launching satellites into space so that the entire world can have access to high-speed Internet I mean these are game changers that when you're part of the internet you know a rising tide raises all boats if you've got a boat in the water and the tide rises the internet increases improves technology advances you benefit from that so that's why I'm so bullish on the Internet and the opportunities because I believe that the Internet has been the great advantage and breakthrough of our lifetime and starting an online business and learning how to leverage the internet to make money from it is the greatest opportunity that we have and that's why you see so many people today becoming millionaires and multimillionaires and billionaires I mean there's kids that are in their 20s that are now becoming billionaires whether it's a Kylie Jenner you know leveraging Instagram and social media to you know Mark Zuckerberg and starting Facebook I mean it's really mind-boggling the world that we live in today and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the opportunities that present itself and it's not that any of this is easy of course it's hard work to build a business there's a mindset there's a lot of components and being successful with anything but if you're committed enough and you put your time your attention your focus into learning the internet learning how to build a business learning how to leverage internet marketing then it can truly change your life in so many incredible ways now let me dive into this video and share with you the four best ways the ones that I think have the greatest opportunity and potential the first one is ecommerce ecommerce and specifically selling on Amazon okay selling on Amazon Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world in fact just actually the other day I was just reading about Black Friday the time of this video we just had Black Friday Cyber Monday which are the biggest retail events of the year it says on the Yahoo Finance US Black Friday shoppers stay away from stores make 7 billion plus splurge online that's not even including cyber monday                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cyber monday is just after Black Friday where people are more known to actually buy online but the statistics and the data all shows and points to people buying less and less in physical retail stores less and less people are buying from brick-and-mortar stores they're not buying from Walmart and Target and these you know this stores as much as they used to I mean if you think about it's such a hassle to get out of your house put on your shoes and get in your car drive to Walmart you can look for parking and then you're gonna walk through the aisles and you have to you know check out the product behind the clerk and the whole process of shopping is kind of getting a more old-school compared to what you can do today today from the comfort of your home you take out your phone you take out your computer you can you have way more variety of products that are available on Amazon for example you got Amazon Prime you already got your credit card length you just fill out your shopping car hit checkout and then before you know it the next day or a few days after that                                                                                                                                                                                      the products are arriving to your door and Amazon I mean not only are they the biggest retail giant I mean if you look at Target Walmart they're investing more into their e-commerce to take advantage of it but Amazon is bigger than all of them combined and one of the greatest advantages of Amazon I'll go more into the model in ways that you can make money from Amazon but with Amazon they're on the cutting edge of all the technological advances I mean in terms of their fulfillment center I mean with robotics and artificial intelligence those are new advances that Amazon's heavily investing into which makes it easier and better and faster and cheaper for someone like yourself or myself to sell on their platform they already have hundreds of millions of                                                                                                                                                                                                                               people that use Amazon and they're growing massively international you know with their ability to better ship products and get products from their warehouses to the consumers hands and doors faster they're on the cutting edge of so Amazon is a company that is only going up there's only more and more potential from Amazon I mean they grow about 20% every year and it's staggering the opportunity of it I mean when I look at almost everyone that I know that sells on Amazon or Shopify or online in general there their numbers are going up year after year because as Amazon grows you grow you benefit from that so as I said a rising tide raises all the ships so Amazon I think is one of the best opportunities now when I look at Amazon what is a Amazon sell Amazon sells books and everything else alright so they started as a bookstore online but they've branched off to selling pretty much everything you can possibly think of is on Amazon                                                                                                                                                          so the bigger opportunity on Amazon is private labeling products selling physical products so for example the process of that and I've got other videos on my channel that you can browse around and find that explained the process more but it's deciding on a product that you want to sell in Amazon that has high potential demands and then what you do is you find a supplier that's manufacturing that product whether that supplier is in the United States whether it's in China whether it's in any other country around the world and you have the manufacturer the product you put your own packaging your own label on that product it's called private labeling if you can make the product better you should if you can make it improve it of course you always want to do that or differentiate in some way but you then get that product made overseas you ship it to the United States or whatever Amazon platforms are selling it could be in Europe it could be in Canada it could be in Australia but you send it to Amazon's fulfillment centers and then you set up your Amazon listing and now you have your own real estate on Amazon's website do you have your own product your own product listing with images the price reviews all of that and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                then you learn how to how how to rank your product on Amazon you can run Amazon ads there's so many strategies available on how to sell your product but Amazon does a lot of the heavy lifting for you because they take care of the fulfillment for you and they even help you with the marketing of your product so Amazon is not going away the opportunity of it is huge ok with physical products as well as books ebooks are great as well when I look at books whether you want to write books yourself or hire a ghostwriter to write for you or partner with other authors you can publish Kindle books you can publish paperback books or hardcover books or audio books right I mean audio books is it's got huge potential because more and more people they can see them content through through audio write podcasts and audio books of that nature so there's so much potential in Amazon I think that's one of the greatest opportunities that's                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     you know that has been for the last years but continues to grow I don't see it slowing down there's so much opportunity for someone that's brand-new because there's so many types of products that you can sell and there's not enough competition in my opinion because there the amount of demand that consumers have on Amazon far outweighs the number of competition there that there is so Amazon is great and I think Amazon is the most powerful platform for e-commerce but also leveraging Shopify which is creating your own online store you don't get the same benefits at Amazon does for you but animals but Shopify a lot gives you more control over your brand and your products so starting on Amazon and then transition you to Shopify I think that is one of the best strategies out there in terms of building a business creating passive income and creating the life that you want so that's number one number two would be affiliate marketing affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is my favorite way of making money online and affiliate marketing is always going to be relevant and always have opportunity and potential because affiliate marketing is when you promote other people's products now all of these companies that sell online whether they sell on Amazon they saw on Shopify they've got their own course                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          their own digital product no matter what it is the number one challenge that every company online has is selling their products they want to get more sales right they want to increase the number of buyers and customers that they have and so that's why all of these companies out there including Amazon they have affiliate programs an affiliate program that anybody can join they're free to join so for example if you want to join amazon's affiliate program you can if you want to join an affiliate programs for most products out there you can and when you join their affiliate program they're gonna give you a percentage out of every sale you generate for them so they give you an affiliate link you can use that link under blog on your YouTube channel your social media you know you're running ads or whatever it is you can use that link and when you gen when you drive traffic and people click on the link and they buy the product you earn you earn a commission from that you know it's it's pretty awesome because you didn't have to create the product you didn't have to invent it you don't have to take the risk you didn't have to invest in inventory you didn't have to build a team and have customer service and all the expenses that are involved in creating and selling a product as an affiliate marketer you can just promote someone else's product by sending your affiliate link or whatever it is and you make Commission's from it so affiliate marketing is one of the best ways it's one of the easiest ways to make money online and get started because you don't have to invest as much time or money or take as big of a risk as selling your own product okay                 so                                                                                                                                                                   I love affiliate marketing gives the opportunity to promote any product on Amazon that you want as an affiliate earn a commission from it and there's a lot of products you can sell that are higher ticket specifically online courses where you can earn a higher commission from you can earn a more higher commission from that and it's great so affiliate marketing is always relevant because every company is always gonna welcome affiliates I always want people to help them sell and promote their products and they're more than happy to give you a commission from that so affiliate marketing is great it's one of the best opportunities and often what I look at to this might be a bit more advanced I look at how you can combine them together because listen if you've got a product you're selling on Amazon your own Shopify store whatever you're collecting the buyers and customers and ultimately your goal of that is not just to have a one time buyer a one time consumer but someone that is gonna buy from you again and again so you always want to build an email list of your buyers and customers whether that's selling on Amazon or Shopify but there's always a back-end component to every business because it's a lot easier for you to profit from customers you already have then going out there and acquiring new customers as the customers you already have they've already bought from you they've                                                                                                                                                                         already raised their hand they're looking for help they already trust you because I've already purchased from you once and you've delivered for them a great product it's a lot easier to for you them to profit from them by focusing more on how to serve your existing customers and one of the best ways to do that is through affiliate marketing because if you have an email list then you can promote products to them and share them sure more additional products that can help serve them that you could be an affiliate for that you didn't have to invent or create yourself and you can earn commissions from that so I always look at how you can combine them together right how you can leverage affiliate marketing with physical products combine the two together to increase her back end and ultimately the long-term value of your customers the third one that I'd say is being an influencer being an influencer now we all know the power of influence and the trend of what influencers has been over the last few years and it's not slowing down I mean these days everyone is becoming an influencer and influencers is is such a great opportunity because all of these platforms out there such as YouTube and Instagram and a podcast and a blog and Facebook all of these platforms they're free to use anybody can join and set up a YouTube account a Facebook account and create content you can share your ideas with the world you can share what you're learning you can entertain people you can express yourself in whatever way that you want and if your content is good and valuable then people will find it they'll follow you and they'll build a relationship with you the most valuable thing you could ever have on the Internet is attention attention because attention is what all these                                                                                                                                                                                 companies are trying to get that's why they spend money on advertisements so that they can get in front of you they can get your attention because without your attention then you're not gonna go in and buy their product but influencers are people that have built a following they built an audience of people they have people's attention and more importantly they built a relationship and trust with those people over a period of time now companies out there they're looking to market their products and so they're looking for influencers to represent their product to share their product with their audience to be an ambassador of their product they're looking if you have a podcast they want to sponsor your podcast to get the attention of some of your listeners on your podcast or on the YouTube channel right that's why on YouTube videos like this you might see advertisements pop up because companies they want to get in front of my audience and other people's audiences on YouTube so they're willing to pay money for that and if you're an influencer you have a following people will pay money to you to get in front of your audience they'll give you products and say hey listen to you can you share your product with your audience                                                                                                                                                                     I'll pay you to sponsor this post and share it with your audience having a following gives the opportunity to launch your own course your own Amazon product or do affiliate marketing there's a lot of different avenues that you can do as an influencer so influencer marketing is hot it's growing and it's it's not saturated because here's what I've learned about being an influencer I've got over a million followers now with my YouTube and Instagram and podcast and my blog all of that so I have a quite a bit of reach and influence which is great but the thing with being an influencer is that everybody will connect and relate to someone different okay there's only one of you and there's only one of me so nobody could ever copy anyone okay it's impossible to because we are each unique and differ waise and everyone is looking for someone that they can relate to that they could get kick they can connect with and and follow that is like them people like people that are like them so for example if you're in let's say the self development niche which is massive right I'm part of the self development market now people don't necessarily follow you for your content that's one component of it but more importantly they're following you for who you are your story and because they connect with you so a lot of these influencers let's say let's say coaches youtubers podcasters bloggers in the self-development arena we can share the same content whether it's about goal-setting and creating great habits in your life and be more positive and be more happy and being motivated changing your belief systems improving your health your relationships all of that but the content the message for the most part is the same but what makes it unique and different is your story and how you explain things your you know for example for me my story about how these things have helped my life and my delivery of the content and the information                                                                                                                                                         because people are gonna relate to my story over someone else's story not everyone will relate to me some of you will others won't others will relate to someone else people will relate and connect to you based on your age if you're young then a younger demographic are gonna connect with you if you're older let's say you're you know in your 40s and 50s and 60s then maybe you know that ones that are in their 20s aren't going to connect with you as much they can't relate to someone maybe that's in their 50s but someone that's in their 40s and 50s and 60s they're gonna connect and relate more and want to follow the person that is similar to them and their demographic versus the person that's 20 years old if you're a male or a female I mean if you're a male you're more likely to follow someone that's also a male because you can connect and relate to them more if you're a female you're more likely to follow someone that's a female even based on race if you're white if you're black if you're Asian if you're Hispanic not that you can't and of course everybody you know you'll still all different races and diversity is gonna follow everybody but your core demographic are gonna be more people if you're white people that are white if you're Asian people that are Asian because again people like people that are like them they're gonna follow it connect with that a little bit more you friends that you have in your life I'm sure most of your friends that are people they're more similar to you you have similar beliefs and values and goals and you might even look similar you might be in a similar age group if you're a male most of your friends are probably males if you're a female most of your friends are probably females so your story and who you are makes you unique and different than everyone else out there and the world needs more people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that are different and unique to share and help and serve and it's not like you know one person only follows one person people follow many people today so there's so much room and opportunity there is an influencer and it's just something that companies are looking more for and the amount of money you can make as an influencer is only going to go up over a period of time so influencer marketing as I think is great and when I look at the platforms available I say the ones that have the greatest opportunity potential I consider is number one YouTube okay because the video is King video is the most consumed type of content on the Internet it's not slowing down more and more people their attention span is shorter so they are more engaged by video and when you watch a video you can connect with that person a lot more than you can by reading their article or even listening to them on a podcast or just getting short snippets from them on Instagram Instagram for example it's more designed like one-minute video clips it's more surface level and shallow content YouTube or podcasts or even blogs they're more deeper content so for you watching this video for the last 12 minutes or so it's we're going a lot deeper you're getting to know me a lot more and a lot deeper than you would on Instagram or Facebook for example so and your and most likely you're fully engaged with me in this video you know you're looking at me right now you're listening to me right now versus a podcast you might be driving your car you might be at the gym it's more of a secondary modality                                                                                                                                                                             you're listening as you're doing other things so video I think is the most powerful the second one I like is blogging blogging and podcasts I kind of put even and it really depends on what your preference is podcasting I like because people can go deep and they a lot of people listen to podcasts the thing I don't like about podcasts is that it's very untrackable it's hard to track things on a podcast and most often like for example you know iTunes doesn't really give you much data of your viewership and your followers and all that sort of stuff excuse me but on the other hand a blog is very different than that a blog you can track everything on the blog and you can update and change there's just a lot you can do with it now each of them there's a learning curve to each of course and there's different skills involved with it but I like blogging especially if you learn search engine optimization and how to rank your content but again like I said it depends on what you prefer if you're more of a writer if you prefer speaking you know there's different platforms that might be better suited based on your gifts and your skills of what you want to go deeper with in terms of social media I think Instagram is the best and will continue to be in 2020 Instagram you know more powerful than snapchat and even Facebook now a lot of internet entrepreneurs are investing in their Instagram building they're following their you can build a deep relationship with people on Instagram as well especially with stories by sharing your life the day to day cuz people on Instagram they're getting more of the behind-the-scenes they're getting to know more about you when you're not you know doing a YouTube video or a podcast they're gonna see what you're doing throughout the day and when you have daily influence over someone like that that every day you make a post on Instagram or a story and you're a part of someone's life on a daily basis that's powerful you have you have influence over their beliefs in the direction of their life so influencer marketing guys is huge and will continue to be huge in 2020 and beyond the last one                                                                                                                                                                     I want to share with you is not necessarily starting an online business because I know some of you that are watching this right now you might not want to put yourself out there you know and that's why I provide options I mean Amazon is greater you don't have to put yourself out there you can actually as an Amazon selling a physical product you can find influencers and partner with them and send them products and they can be the influencers for your business or physical product brands so not even wants to put themselves out there you might want to be more behind the scenes and also not everyone's an entrepreneur not everyone wants to run their own show not everybody wants to take the risks of what an entrepreneur does you know obviously entrepreneurship provides a lot more and potential but not everyone cares for that I think a great opportunity online is just being a freelancer okay looking for jobs that exist online because as the internet grows there's more demand and need for all these companies to hire people companies as they grow their internet business as they grow their ecommerce store or whatever it is they need web developers they need video editors and need graphic designers they need copywriters they need email marketers they need programmers they need you know all these skills social media marketers customer support reps managers they need people like that that they can hire to help work for their business and a lot of these companies today they provide the ability for you to work from home or anywhere in the world which is really the greatest advantage that you get from having an online business so you don't have to start an online business you can instead work for a company that gives you the ability to work from home or anywhere that you want and you get the greatest perk without having to take the risk of starting an online business and suffered a lot of people that's                                                                                                                                        that's great that's more than enough they would love to have that freedom to work from home and to have some control over their own hours and how they spend their day if you're a mom and you want to spend more time at home with your kids online business is great or online freelance job is great for that or an online business right because again you're gonna spend more time at home with the kids and you can just work behind your computer and make some great money from that so I think any skills online any internet marketing skills are incredibly valuable to learn and study and practice get good at looking for jobs available online so that you can work from home and develop skills that are always gonna be valuable they're always going to be high demand now here's something that a lot of people don't think about I'm gonna wrap this up soon but this is really valuable of what I want to share with you before we wrap this up if you're building a business if you're learning how to sell on Amazon if you're learning Shopify how to create an e-commerce store if you're learning how to run ads if you're learning how to build a blog if you're learning how to build a YouTube channel Instagram social media if you're learning any of those skills as you're building your own business a lot of people don't realize that those what they learn whether it's through a course or you study it through trial and error all of that is valuable for you to then do that for someone else because here's the thing how many companies out there that sell their products in their local store their brick-and-mortar store that have not yet transitioned to selling their product on Amazon but because you took a course because you learn because you studied because you've done it a few times before you have a skill set that you could then go to all these companies and say hey listen you're not selling online I know how to put up products on Amazon I know how to set up Amazon listings fulfill my owns there I know I don't have all of that I can do it for you and these companies are more than happy to pay you and hire you for you to do the work for them if you know how to publish books on Amazon do you have any authors
                                                                                                                        that are out there that are great writers they love writing there they're there that's their gift and their purpose in life is writing but they're not good at publishing they're not good at marketing they're terrified of technology I don't know how to do that stuff but because you published some books before you know the process you can then go to them and you can essentially be a freelance freelancer or create an agency where you provide services to these other authors companies and you can do the work for them so that's another opportunity that a lot of people don't think about and that's a great way for you to make money by trading your money upfront to make that immediate income and develop your skills as you're building your own online business which is more the passive income a long-term stream for you so that's a huge opportunity that people don't realize people don't realize that these skills of what you learn are valuable they're valuable that other companies and people will pay money to have you do for them right or even to pay to learn from you in some way shape or form so there's so much opportunity out there and I think regardless of whatever opportunity that you pursue the most important thing is to get a boat in the water so as the tide rises you can benefit from it so I don't care what that is you might have to dabble around a little bit try different things try publishing trying Amazon try Shopify you know to learn marketing how to drive traffic and affiliate marketing all these things and the skills you gain all help
                                                                                                                         and work together to help make you more successful whether your end up doing service based business freelance agency or you find the right one for you that you really want to ramp up and scale so hopefully this video has benefited to you in some way shape or form I really just wanted to provide my opinion and the best opportunities I feel they're available for us today so that you can take advantage of it and again I want to be realistic and honest with you that none none the process of success is not easy I mean it's hard work it was easier than everyone would be successful I mean this is for the 1% the 1% of people ever become successful and it's the 1% that's willing to do what that 99% is not willing to do so you're here right now I assume that you're in that 1% you're committed you're eager you have a why and purpose for doing this and you want to pursue it and if you're looking for more additional help and guidance from me I'll include a link below in the description to actually a quiz that I created because I created this quiz I know there's a lot of people they're not quite sure you might be in that boat right now you're not sure which one you want to pursue there's a lot of opportunity I get it it's a high quality problem to have but you might not quite be sure so I created this quiz where you fill out a few answers and I'll help you identify which one I think could be best for you again based on how much money you have to get started with because all these opportunities some might cost more money than others how much time that you have what your values and your motivation is so if you're someone that's just looking to make money then I can I can I can kind of guide you in one direction but if you're something that wants to make money but also wants to do what they love what they're passionate about or maybe you're more driven to make a difference and a contribution to other people's lives or maybe you want to be more behind the scenes you don't wanna

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